
MA solution



Why you need ADOP's MA solution?

  • Trusted GCPP Partner.
  • Up To 95% of Revenue share for pubs.
  • 1 month for Live Technical Support.
  • Approval process by 3 business days.
  • Fast update the new Advertising Trends for pubs.
I need MA now

MA Solution Benefits

Enable AdX for all MA accounts.

AdX for MA provides a powerful business solution with data-driven insights through comprehensive reporting and analytics; It helps them optimize their advertising campaigns by increasing revenue efficiency. Detailed reports and analytics shed light on campaign performance by customized your targeting strategy, Optimize your ads and maximize income generation through high-quality websites and informative articles.

Get paid by every month.

The MCM payment cycle will be issued an auto-payment between the 21st and the 26th of the month directly.
Note: that the exact time you receive your payment will depend on your timezone, whether the 21st falls on a weekend or holiday, and your chosen form of payment.

Owned Inventory Management.

The child publisher can manage inventory directly by retaining permissions and access to all settings by fully controlling your ad inventory. This ensures that only relevant, high-quality ads resonate with brands and audiences. This granular control extends to ad format selection. Price settings (open auction) and selection of desired advertisers (Programmatic Guarantee).

Tiers & Levels

Techlabs will classifies MA publishers into 3 tiers, each with specific terms and conditions outlined below:

Baby Earnings

Stepping into the Ad Manager Spotlight

  • New to the game? No worries! This tier is designed for publishers familiar with Adsense, eager to explore Google Ad Manager with expert guidance.
  • Having 100,000+ loyal visitors a month? You’re golden! We’ll help you set up and optimize your ad inventory for peak performance.

Require Minimum Traffics

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Mastering the Art of Monetization

  • A seasoned publisher with a knack for ad optimization? Welcome! This tier is built for those who can self-manage ad units and seek advanced tools to push the revenue frontier.
  • Experience is key! We’re looking for partners who consistently deliver on quality, size, and a shared commitment to growing the ecosystem’s revenue.

Require Minimum Traffics

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Ascend to the Revenue Throne

  • Consider yourself a Google Ad Manager mastermind? This exclusive tier is for publishers with a proven track record of high ad revenue and sustainable traffic.
  • Together, we’ll reach for the monetization stars! Leverage premium features and dedicated support to squeeze out every last drop of earning potential from your ad inventory.

Require Minimum Traffics

Register Now

Terms & Conditions

1st, 2nd, 3rd months, Revenue will pay to Techlabs 100% in MCM contract and pay to the publisher based on the percentage of revenue share what we negotiated before. 4th Month and later renew the MCM contract by revising the new rate of revenue sharing.


  1. Has been joined and active Google AdSense partner program more than 6 months 
  2. Shows a record of Google AdSense revenue deductions below 15% monthly.
  3. A sustained monthly UIP of at least 100,000 for 6 consecutive months is mandatory.
  4. The quality of Publisher’s content and traffic must be in compliance with Techlabs & Google’s policies.

Approval (within 3 business days)

  1. Submit Information
  2. Pre-screen process
  3. Negotiation & Approval Confirmation. (Approved/Rejected)
  4. Make an agreement.
  5. Sending the MCM invitation
  6. Let’s start monetizing

Our Success Story

For over 13 years, we have garnered extensive experience in working and consulting with 500 MA publishers, enabling us to generate income for businesses by effectively managing advertisements on their platforms. This comprehensive experience has allowed us to develop a profound understanding of the needs of businesses, the requirements of customers, as well as global technology trends.

Our goal is
the business growth of
advertisers and publishers.